"This book is not what I expected.
I have read hundreds of articles and several books on EMFs, and virtually everything I've read has one (or more) of several problems:
1. It cherry picks the science (i.e. only takes the studies that support one's views and leaves out the rest)
2. It is infused with fear mongering and conspiracy-type stuff
3. It's based on anecdotes and speculation, with very little real science
This is the first truly scientific, evidence-based comprehensive guide to understanding the health dangers of EMFs.
And most importantly, it shows you the simple steps you need to take in your life to minimize or eliminate the dangers. The cool part is, these things are really very easy to do. So you don't have to be in fear all the time wearing a tinfoil hat and EMF-blocking clothing, or move to a place in the middle of nowhere to escape EMFs. You can eliminate the risks through just a few simple and easy steps.
Well done, Nick, on producing the best piece of scientific writing on EMFs that I've ever seen!
And to everyone reading, if you are interested in being healthy, do yourself a favor and buy this book right now."
— Ari Whitten, Health Coach